Every business is different, which is why we offer multiple checking account options to fit your needs. Each account has a variety of additional services available, such as Remote Deposit Capture, Cash Management and Treasury Management Services. Stop by any of our branches to discuss these services with our friendly staff.
Free Business Checking
- $100.00 to open
- No minimum balance required
- 200 free transactions per statement cycle, $0.40 charge for additional transactions*
- Free electronic statement**
- Non-interest bearing
- Online Banking/Bill Pay
Regular Business Checking
- $100.00 to open
- $500.00 minimum daily balance required
- $10.00 monthly service charge if minimum balance not met
- 250 free transactions per statement cycle, $0.40 charge for additional transactions*
- Image or electronic statement
- Non-interest bearing
- Online Banking/Bill Pay
* Transactions include checks written, deposits and deposited items, and electronic debits or credits
** $5.00 per month for paper imaged statements, instead of Electronic Statement